Wednesday 27 July 2011

Day 90 - Allt-Sigh to Drumnadrochit

It was a good decision not to walk today as it turned out to be incredibly hot and I would have moaned all the way! Instead I spent a couple of hours at Urquhart Castle - once again, one of those places we often drove by but never visited. I gave the Loch Ness Exhibition a miss  this time as I'd been in with the children, though it impressed a Swedish family we chatted to at the pub.

The castle has an interesting  history and I think I saw it in a better light than The Walker, as there were only a few bus loads of older foreign tourists. Its situation on the loch is impressive and I think it was a shame the Scots ruined it themselves.

Urquhart Castle & Loch Ness

Drumnadrochit, in contrast, was heaving with visitors, who could buy anything and everything with Nessie on it! It has an attractive village green, but it was just too hot and full of people.

I was pleased when we decided to finish early tonight and I pinched a quiet half hour reading in the van, while The Walker did his touristy bit at the castle. Back on the loch shore tonight, where it's lovely and peaceful.

From Bernie:
Today's walk  9.1 miles     :     Cumulative  1125.9 miles

Always said that I wanted to head into the far north with at least a day in hand in case of weather problems. Good decision. Stymied today.... by the heat! Back on the shores of Loch Ness at 5.00 pm, it's a comfortable 24 degrees in a pleasant breeze - on the hills above Urquhart, in early afternoon, there wasn't a breath of wind & it was a relief to reach Drumnadrochit. Still ahead of the game but it will mean an early start in the morning & the longest day yet on LeJog if I'm to restore my day's advantage. Cloud, light breeze, even a little rain wouldn't go amiss tomorrow!

Only threatening cloud of the day! A sinister start.....

Huge, long climb out of Allt-Sigh this morning & Loch Ness soon became hazy in the rapidly increasing heat. This was all excellent walking until the route emerges from woodland at Grotaig & joins a quiet country lane over the tops of the hills to Drumnadrochit - no wind & the sun reflecting from tarmac & already harvested fields made this unusually hot!

Looking south towards a vanishing Fort Augustus

Drumnadrochit is 'monster' tourism gone mad: an 'official' & an 'original' centre, plastic Nessies galore, gift shops, pipers & the statutory Indian takeaway.... & I'd forgotton how difficult it is to buy a simple pint of beer! Met a lovely Swedish family at the appropriately-named 'Fiddlers' pub who had a refreshingly tongue-in-cheek approach to the whole experience & were much more alarmed about driving on the left-side of our roads!

Piper beside a very clever Floral version of Urquhart Castle that I couldn't photograph properly!

Highlight of the Day: Urquhart Castle, which I've always wanted to visit but its situation just outside the town & off the main walking-routes makes it more accessible to those in cars..... & minibuses.... & coaches! The manager enjoyed the better visit: it was very busy when I arrived, children were hot & tired, ice-creams were dripping, parents were yelling & this alone emphasised for me how few British tourists there are in the area. Look at the pictures - why wouldn't you want to come here?!!! It's a spectacular setting, usually seen as the backdrop for famous 'Nessie' photos, with tree-clad mountains rising superbly from the blue waters & Urquhart's ruins standing, often forlornly, on a low grassy peninsula.

Urquhart Castle looking north

Beer of the Day: had to try a pint of Cairngorm's 'Nessie's Monster Mash'.... & I'd have to say, Andy, it's not a patch on your Wedding Brew! For those who didn't attend THE wedding of April 2011, Andy & Jamie produced 'Monsta Mash' ale to celebrate their special occasion & I could have done with a pint of that this afternoon! The Cairngorm version is a pleasant malty, chestnut beer; similar to 'Red Cuillin' but not as good.

Song of the Day (an occasional series!): my thanks to the Technical Team for reminding me of the only song I know that mentions Drumnadrochit! The track is 'Caledonia' from Bert Jansch's album 'Crimson Moon' - if you've never been to Scotland, listen to the song & use it as your travel guide; you'll not be disappointed!

Swallows' nest - highlight of my Drumnadrochit pub visits!


  1. Sun this afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't want a holiday job now

  2. Thanks for the compliment, there's a bottle of Large Monsta Mash with your name on it! Of course, with this extensive tasting tour up and down Britain I can't wait to taste whatever you brew up in the Autumn.

