Sunday 17 July 2011

Day 79 - Rowardennan to Inverarnan

It rained heavily all night and continued this morning until about 9am and then the sun struggled out from behind the clouds and it looked as though it was going to be an ok day, weather-wise.I had no fixed plan as to what I was going to do except that I knew I had to drive nearly all the way around the loch, from the middle of the east side, down to the southern tip and up along to the west side to the northern edge to meet The Walker.

As I was driving through Balloch there were signs for the Loch Lomond Highland Games being held today, so I thought I might take a look, though we have been to a few of these gatherings over the years  and some of them have just been like school fetes, so I wasn't too bothered. This, however, was far grander, comparable to a large town fete. It had a really large grass arena, where there was a tug-of-war, hammer throwing, cycle races and bagpipe band competitions (some taking place simultaneously!) and two smaller stages for highland dancing and pipers. In every group of people there were two or three men in full highland dress  - a kilt was definitely the order of the day! It was all very serious stuff; there were some national dancers competing there! It was good that the rain held off  but the ground was sodden and most people were wearing wellies!

From Bernie:
Today's walk  13.5 miles     :     Cumulative  1002.1 miles

Apologies for the late arrival of yet another blog but, in the current weather conditions, blogging has become something of a morning activity! We seem to have settled into a pattern of heavy overnight & early morning rain, clearing by mid-morning but leading to late walk-starting times; as a result I'm finishing later &, after something to eat, it's time for bed!

A watery walk today.... in every respect! There are 2 routes through the 3 miles of forest to Rowchoish &, for reasons best known to myself, I chose the shoreline option rather than the direct forestry track - perhaps because it's the path we walked last time & I know the views are brilliant... or would have been in better weather! Fallen trees, I assume from winter storms, haven't been cleared & the whole stretch is a rock-scrambling, tree-climbing, mud-splashing endurance test.... great fun, though! A couple of bridges were impassable, completely blocked by smashed trees, whilst rivers were in spate after all the rain & even quite small streams presented interesting obstacles! Huge sense of relief at emerging unscathed & still in daylight!

Battered bridge!

Comparing notes with several groups of West Highland Way walkers at the Inversnaid Hotel, only 1 group had come along the shore & they were thinking of pitching tents & going no further today. No sign of any of the groups of young lads I've seen on the last 2 days.

Waterfall where none is indicated on the map!

Highlight of the Day: I'd expected this to be hitting the 1000 mile marker.... until all that rain! The waterfalls today were as spectacular as anything I've ever seen in mainland Scotland; the Inversnaid Falls, in particular, were splendidly terrifying - on our last visit they'd looked a bit like a garden water-feature!

Inversnaid Falls

Ended the day at the 18th century 'Drovers Inn' at Inverarnan where the decor includes an ancient stuffed bear guarding the reception desk. The mighty Ben Glas waterfall crashing down above the path I'd just walked provided a fitting backdrop.....

Ben Glas Waterfall

Beer of the Day: not much on offer today - the best I could do was a pint of 'Old Speckled Hen' which, I suppose, comes into the category I was complaining about last week - an ale now produced by a major brewery. Always liked this, though; if you don't know it, it's dark amber, smooth & very drinkable.... best beer I've had for a good few days!

Looking back down the length of Loch Lomond

Song of the Day (an occasional series!): 'Waterfall' by The Stone Roses - couldn't be anything else really!

Di: an adventurous 'short-cut' always makes a fine walk even better!

Pam: we've got the weather sorted! We look at the forecasts for Fort William, Oban , Glasgow & then choose the one we like best! Opted for Oban today &, surprisingly, it was quite accurate... looks like the best option for tomorrow, too!

Jamie: I was thinking that as well until I hit the Loch Lomond shoreline!
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