Wednesday 6 July 2011

Day 69 - Lauder to Longyester (near Gifford)

A rainy morning which had just about cleared by the time we set off for Lauder. After The Walker left I popped into the local  bakery (Giffords) to  buy bread for today. The shopkeeper was very friendly and asked where I came from, how long I was staying etc. which naturally led to chatting about Lejog. As I left she very kindly gave me 2 slices of tray bake " to keep you both going"!

It has been a day of people being kind. Our arranged meeting place was at a telephone box on a narrow road in Longyester. As I pulled into what looked like a tiny parking spot by a garden the van was attacked by..... a squirt of water! A young boy was playing there with his new water pistols - we started chatting (he stopped the offensive), then his Mum, Fiona, came out to see what he (Paul) was up to! I apologised for parking in what, I had  then realised, was probably their spot and explained the problem waiting for The Walker. She said her husband, David, wouldn't need the space for a while and promptly invited me in for coffee.We had a smashing chat - I did say that you meet some super people on this trek. So, Paul, I hope you have a great time in America and see lots of trains!

I did visit Thirlestane Castle today. This is a very impressive place - more like a stately home. The ceilings have incredible carvings, more like ones you would find in foreign churches. it was all very calm and peaceful. I was a bit sad that I didn't bump into Prince Philip as he, apparently, is great friends with the Duke of Thirlestane and he spends quite a bit of time there. He obviously didn't know I was coming!!

Thirlestane Castle

From Bernie:
Today's walk  13.8 miles     :     Cumulative  877.0 miles

Just what I needed after all the bouncing around from one tourist attraction to the next over the last few days - a gentle stroll, not too far, through new walking territory & with no distractions. Pity about the weather forecast! The BBC had forecast heavy rain all day for Edinburgh with the only respite a thundery shower around lunchtime. With a day in hand I could have stayed in bed.... but that's what they're forecasting until Sunday!

Lauder Town Hall.... & a bit of our van!

It was a late start because of the rain &, though I started in my new, light waterproof, I was back to tee-shirt & shorts before I'd left Lauder. The clouds threatened all afternoon, there were floods just up the road, Les sheltered in the van from a downpour & couldn't believe it when I arrived... dry! One of those lucky days! Another 3 or 4, until this weather blows through, will do me fine!

Kelphope Valley: I walked the length of this to reach the Lammermuir Hills - beautiful!

The Lammermuir Hills were new to me & a revelation. This is grouse moorland & I walked one of the shooters' tracks, an old drovers' route, from Carfraemill to Longyester. The only people I saw were 2 estate-workers, managers I guess given the smart 4x4s they were driving, parked close to the summit of Lammer Law & chatting to each other through open windows. It looked as if the grouse were behaving themselves; good job, I reckon!

Lammermuir Hills

Highlight of the Day: rounding Lammer Law the view out across the Firth of Forth is absolutely unbelievable... I must come back on a clear day! From the power station at Cockenzie & Port Seton to the mighty Bass Rock beyond North Berwick, with shafts of sunlight highlighting patches of the Firth, & completely unexpected because, though I've walked the coast here, I'd never appreciated how high & close to the sea the Lammermuirs are.

Rain clouds gently sidling past me!

Beer of the Day: 'Pentland IPA' brewed by the Stewart Brewery in Edinburgh. Very light flavoured & a bit sweet for me but inoffensive, I suppose. I'm afraid it's the best I can do at the moment.... & these people have won awards, it says!

Hopes Reservoir - no problem with water here!

Pam: I'm sure I'll come across many more disreputable Scotsmen than William Wallace before the walk's finished! I've sent the manager out for snorkels & flippers so I think we'll be OK!
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