Monday 25 July 2011

Day 87 - Gairlochy to South Laggan

It is so sunny tonight that I can't see the computer screen! So while The Walker is watching the barbecue (I'm not sure what it will do!) in the sunshine, I am sitting in the van typing. There's devotion to duty!
It has  been a beautiful, hot and sunny day, just right for a stroll along the lochside. After dropping The Walker by the canal, I rejoined the A82, enjoyed the wonderfully scenic drive  along the east side of Loch Lochy. - something I have done many a time - and then searched for a campsite for the night.. After successfully booking in to one near Invergarry, I set off for a couple of hours' walk along the west side of the loch to meet up with Lejogger.

Loch Lochy - looking north towards Laggan

The family will be pleased to know that we kept to the low route of the Great Glen Way and didn't go up the mountain track this time, so there was no repeat of me falling head first down the steep mountain path, breaking my glasses, grazing my face and ending up with a black eye and a ricked ankle.

From Bernie:
Today's walk  11.9 miles     :     Cumulative  1093.0 miles

Very warm day to be wandering forestry tracks the length of Loch Lochy - the water was still, there was barely a breath of wind & the heavily-wooded sections brought some welcome relief..... brilliant day!

Loch Lochy - southern entrance to Caledonian Canal at Gairlochy

Forsook the 'alternative' route referred to by the manager for the official lochside path which now winds along at the water's edge almost as far as Bunarkaig, where it joins a quiet lane before heading into the trees at Clunes. All very peaceful, except for the persistent drone of A82 traffic on the far shore - the same road I moaned about when leaving Tyndrum a week ago!

Loch Lochy - looking south towards Ben Nevis

Highlight of the Day: People! - No! Surely it can't be me writing that!
After a solitary day yesterday, very pleasant after Ben Nevis & The West Highland Way, it was a surprise to bump into several people walking the Great Glen Way; in particular, a lovely young couple who can't be more than about 16 or 17, chatty & full of smiles - I'd actually passed them yesterday, shortly after Neptune's Staircase, but had thought they were just sunbathing! Also met another chatty couple, similar age to me, from Glasgow - they're aiming for Invermoriston tomorrow, a long day, so I'll probably not see them again.
Before heading for our campsite we stopped, briefly, at the Invergarry Hotel where we met Rodney Winton, a HGV driver who has his own business in Inverness. A keen walker & hill-climber, we talked of our various exploits; he'd just returned from Barrisdale, a remote spot beyond Kinlochhourn that Jamie & I walked on my 'round-the-coast' quest. So, the 'brief' stop turned out to be quite lengthy & Rodney kindly gave us £20 to add to our BHF fund!

Well of the Seven Heads

Stopped for postcards at a shop just before Invergarry, opposite the Well of the Seven Heads. It was here that the heads of 7 MacDonnell men were washed after a revenge killing in 1633 before being delivered to the chief of the Keppoch clan. Many years later a grave containing 7 headless bodies was discovered.... suggesting the legend may well be true!

'The Eagle Barge' - excellent floating pub!

Beer of the Day: today's walk actually finished at 'The Eagle Barge', a floating pub at Laggan Locks, with 4 real ales on draught - remarkable planning! I opted for 'Northern Light' from the Orkney Brewery which I'd tried a couple of summers ago when we were on the islands. Similar to 'Kildonan' from the 'Ben Nevis' day, this is slightly heavier & a very good beer: pale golden bitter, very hoppy - highly recommended!

Rodney Winton: many thanks for the kind donation!

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