Friday 15 July 2011

Day 77 - Milngavie to Drymen

An odd sort of day. The Walker was very tired after his long walk yesterday and so didn't finish the blog until this morning, which made us a bit late setting off to drive to Milngavie - I did, however, manage to map-read us through the outskirts of Glasgow with no mishaps. I do wish planners would stop adding roundabouts for every new estate or entrance to large factories and then not signposting the real road; it makes it very confusing!

Coincidentally, the same man , Alistair Kirk, who had shown interest in the van yesterday was walking by the car park again today! He was very friendly and told The Walker that his new knee was excellent, which was good to hear. I hope he finds a motorhome to suit his family.

I was planning to walk as it was such a lovely day and I was keen to do bits of the West Highland Way; however, after necessary shopping and driving to our meting place, the time had just evaporated. The Walker keeps saying place names that I really can't picture from our walk in 2004, but I am pleased to say that it's all coming back - 'The Beech Tree Inn', our first pub stop which was desperately needed, and Dryman,  the end of our exhausting first day. I'm looking forward to recognising  more places.

From Bernie:
Today's walk  12.2 miles     :     Cumulative  975.2 miles

Start of 'The West Highland Way' - sponsored by M&S!

Really good to be away & walking in the wilds again for the first time in a week. It was last Wednesday that I crossed the Lammermuir Hills from Lauder & since then there has been the constant buzz of motorway traffic or drone of jet engines. Half a mile out from Milngavie I was back amongst hills & the only sound was birdsong - magic!

Panel from Subway Mural in Milngavie

A much easier first day on The West Highland Way than I remember from 2004 - in fact, today it was barely a half day's walk - but 7 years ago there were 4 of us walking & we were carrying a lot more stuff so, naturally, we were slower! Interestingly, the whole route from Milngavie to Drymen is now laid footpath, old railway line or quiet lanes & that makes it a lot quicker.

Craigallian Loch

Passed 3 groups of heavily-overladen lads as I breezed along below the Campsie Fells, grateful that the manager is shifting all my gear about in the van! With a pub conveniently situated half-way all I carried was a waterproof & my 'emergency' can of cider! Known as the 'friendly' way, partly because of the number of people who walk it but probably, also, because the restrictive number of stopping-over places means you often bump into the same walkers day after day - I'm sure I'll see those lads again! Interestingly, after leaving Mugdock Country Park, just north of Milngavie, I didn't see a single cyclist.

Dumgoyne, Campsie Fells

Another new tee-shirt today! Passed the Glengoyne distillery a couple of hundred yards before the mid-way pub stop ('The Beech Tree' has been converted from the old railway station) but the manager popped back & treated me to a bottle of single malt & a fine tee-shirt! What was I saying, yesterday, about Christmas?!!

Highlight of the Day: met John Sowrey outside the Post Office in Drymen (pronounced 'Drimmin'!!!) where I'd gone to buy postcards.... & he's the man who takes the photos for The West Highland Way postcards! He was impressed that I was buying so many & that they were all his! A lovely man; we chatted about different places along the route & I identified several of his pictures from old photos of my own. The ladies running the Post Office pointed out that he was retiring soon & suggested that I might like the job.....! There you go, Pam! You were trying to find me similar employment back at the start of LeJog &, now it's nearly over, I might find myself at a loose end!
Chatted for so long I almost forgot that I'd left the manager drinking outside Drymen Pottery, which doubles up as a pub!

Beer of the Day: asked the barman at 'The Talbot Arms' about his ales but he was unable to tell me anything other than the fact that they were 'all English'! Tried a pint of 'Blonde Bombshell' from the 'Old Mill Brewery' in Snaith - I was able to tell him that's in Yorkshire! Light, pale, pleasant & refreshing - very drinkable. I like this.
Tonight's view from the van! Loch Lomond

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