Wednesday 29 June 2011

Day 62 - Walton to Twice Brewed

Another fine morning and it looked as though it would be a smashing day but clouds came over in the early afternoon, bringing some rain and colder winds. It didn't spoil the day, though, and, after dropping The Walker, I drove along part of the Wall, probably having views comparable with anyone on the trail. It's a super drive - wouldn't mind being the AD122 ( Hadrian's Wall's bus) driver!

I parked the van at Once Brewed National Park Centre and caught the aforementioned bus to the Roman Army Museum. Here I watched a fantastic 3D film about being a Roman Centurion (not recommended) and wandered round the museum. It's pretty good having being completely refurbished over the winter.The lad at the till was keen to tell me that it was now nothing like last summer - so Jamie and Kirstie will have to revisit!

I joined The Walker for the last 6 miles along one of the best bits of the trail! Absolutely amazing views, fantastic remains of the Wall - it's a section you could walk again and again and not tire of it. This was definitely my highlight of the day!

Steel Rigg, Crag Loch & beyond....! From Winshields Crag

From Bernie:
Today's walk 16.3 miles     :     Cumulative 786.0 miles

It's a long walk from Carlisle along the 'Hadrian's Wall Path' before you see any bits of wall but when you do they come thick & fast & are very impressive! I’d walked part of this stretch 2 Christmases ago when we stayed near Carlisle & the hills were deep in snow – a completely different landscape today.... & we had views as well!

Walltown Quarry from the Crags

Met a group of 4 girls/young women from Coventry on the Wall at Bankside – the first substantial remains with views! They were on their way to Fort William to climb Ben Nevis tomorrow (Thursday) & had stopped at the wall ‘just for a look’. We started chatting about walking & they were very envious of my adventure (and my legs & my tan, I’m afraid, John!) ; one of them pointed out I’d been walking for  exactly 2 months, I hadn’t realised that. A quick look at the dates & I realised that, all being well, we’ll finish exactly 6 weeks today... the days seem to be going past quite quickly.

Hope they have good weather for Ben Nevis... it’s more than I’ve ever managed when I’ve had a spare day in Fort William!

Strode on happily for at least ½ mile after this before meeting a strange old man who giggled gleefully, ‘It’s goin’ to rain on ye!’ I blame him, totally, for the late afternoon downpour!

Sculpture on Visitor Centre at Walltown

Highlight of the Day: I can be a bit more precise than Les! Walltown Crags! The Crags themselves are visible from some distance, rising starkly from farmland to the south & rough, often boggy pasture to the north. The wall climbs from the old quarry & clings to the edge of the Crags as it rollercoasts its way along the ridge. Spectacular stuff! Brought the family up here on Christmas Day 2009 when the snow was above knee-deep in places – needless to say, we had the place to ourselves!

Walltown Crags

Beer of the Day: a beer with a tale! Popped into ‘The Samson Inn’ in Gilsland (named after a train!), a pub I’ve visited on a couple of walks in the past. Ordered a pint of ‘Samson Inn Ale’ & curious, as always, asked the barmaid about it. She didn’t think it was local but was brewed by somebody called ‘Maximus, or something’! She said that this brewery had just phoned one day & asked if the pub would like to give its name to a beer!

The only other people in the pub were a holidaying couple, a little older than me, who live in Durham but come, originally, from Sunderland. He was able to tell me that following the collapse of Vaux,  great brewing giant & sport sponsors in the north-east, a couple of ex-employees had bought the rights to some of their beers & brews & set up their own small brewery called Maxim, named after Vaux’s Premium Ale, ‘Double Maxim’. Apparently they’re doing very well!

As for the beer? They describe it as copper-coloured, not a description I’d ever thought of but, yes, it is. A gentle bitter bite – this is a good beer & not too strong. Had I not had a long way to walk I would have had another!

Wandered into yet another National Park, Northumberland, this afternoon and also rejoined ‘The Pennine Way’, unfortunately in similar weather to when I left it in The Dales! It runs alongside Hadrian’s Wall almost as far as Housesteads. Thereafter, I’ll be walking in the more sensible direction of northwards.... at least, for a while!

Les on Winshields, highest point of Hadrian's Wall

John: sorry to harp on about my legs & all these women but it’s nice to have the attention! As for the lager, I reckoned that one lager to every 99 ales or ciders is only fair if I am to keep my research totally objective & unbiased!

From what I’ve seen the Cricket hasn’t being going particularly brilliantly for either Yorkshire or Essex.... so thank goodness for England!

Les didn't take this to show off my legs but to show to the world what a caring manager she is! Concerned that my old light waterproof was far from what it claimed to be she went out & bought me a new one! Here I am, trying it out already!

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