Saturday 11 June 2011

Day 44 - Edale to Snake Pass

Definitely the best day! It was absolutely super to see Jamie, Andy and Kirstie. I had really been looking forward to catching up with their news ( honeymoon, half-term jaunts and school life!) and we even had time for " girlie" chats on the walk! The weather was kind to us; the views were splendid and the company excellent. What more can I say - except hope you weren't too late back and thanks to Kirstie for all that driving and keeping awake!! Looking forward today to home-made Byriani, picnic slice - courtesy of Jamie and Andy - followed by refreshing elderflower cordial - Jamie and Kirstie's half term venture!

Visitors & back-up team about to tackle Jacob's Ladder

From Bernie:
Today's walk 9.2 miles : Cumulative 566.0 miles

Another National Trail!

The first time that 3 different pubs have been a big feature of the day but I promise we didn't spend all day drinking!

Setting out from Edale it seemed only appropriate to start with a pint at 'The Old Nag's Head', recognised starting point for The Pennine Way. Boards outside advertise 'Food served from 12.00' but they didn't open until 12.05 despite the crowd gathered outside in pouring rain - we weren't served until after 12.15! I continue to be disappointed by the service here: last time I came was towards the end of a busy lunchtime & I couldn't find a table that wasn't awash with spilt drinks. Frequently listed as one of Britain's 'top' pubs, it seems to me that it basks in its reputation. Moan over!

Pub No.2 was 'The Snake Pass Inn', one of my favourites. The girls wanted to visit as they'd never been so we popped in for a post-walk pint. I didn't buy the tee-shirt - I already have one!

Pub No.3 was 'Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese' in Castleton where we all went for an excellent evening meal.... a long-winded way to explain why the blog wasn't published last night!

A brilliant day's walking taking in the gentle climb through Edale, the spectacular Jacob's Ladder (both Jamie & Kirstie were keen to do this, hence the juggling with distances earlier in the week!) & the Kinder Ridge. I'd never crossed Kinder Scout before so was grateful for the kind weather & good visibility.... we'll forget the slightly painful hail shower!

Views back down Edale even better than yesterday!

Highlight of the Day: walking with Jamie, Kirstie & Andy + the fact that, because we had 2 vehicles, Les could do the whole walk.

Kinder Ridge & Reservoir

Beer of the Day: despite my criticism of 'The Old Nag's Head', they do serve a good pint! 'Nags 1577' is brewed to celebrate the year of the pub's construction. I've tried several ales described as having a 'chocolate' flavour & have never really been able to taste it... but this one actually does! A little bit sweet for me but certainly worth trying.

Song of the Day (an occasional series!): 'Manchester Rambler' by Ewan Maccoll

Kinder summit

Today was a kind of change-over day with all the used maps, books, guides & DVDs going home & daughters furnishing us with everything we'll need to complete the walk! They even brought food parcels...!

Trevor: good to hear from you! You'll be glad to hear that, after 6 months, I've almost forgotten about the DfE! What I haven't forgotten is, despite what everybody assumes, this always seemed to be the busiest time of year at Alec! Hope all's well!

Julia: Flagfinders? Now, I had forgotten about them! I'll keep my eyes open!

The next time any of you find yourselves in Castleton.... !

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bernie

    Loving reading your activities. Thought you'd like to know Billy R has been in school whenever he can he is determined to do well and really looking forward to seeing you on results day. He was pretty happy after the maths exams this week so fingers crossed. New year groups are keeping me busy!!
    Take Care
