Friday 24 June 2011

Day 57 - Dungeon Ghyll to Rosthwaite

Exciting day today as Lee and Marion were joining us for a couple of days walking. Picked them up at Windermere station at 8.45 and we were walking by 10. The weather was behaving and we thought we would be lucky, as did many other walkers as we only just managed to get a parking place in  Dungeon Ghyll near to a big, old,dilapidated, and possibly abandoned library van. An odd thing to be in a National Trust car park

We have walked here quite a few times before so we had lots of discussion about when and which route we had taken, each of us remembering different bits! It is an amazing dale with fantastic views and I walked most of the way up the Stakes Pass with them and then returned to fetch the van.

Lee, Marion & Les - intrepid walkers about to tackle the climb to Black Crags!

I was a little late meeting them - partly as it took an hour  and a half to drive around the valleys, but mainly because of a gentleman appearing from nowhere as I was changing my boots and wanting to look at our van. He told me he lived in the Library van and was renovating it - and would I like to go in and have a look! I was curious, but being cautious I just stood at the door and peered round. It still had library shelves in, but also a Romany fire which was going to have a chimney. It was massive inside with a long skylight  and folding glass doors at the back. I don't think I would like to live in there permanently.

We had an excellent barbecue, even though it was a bit chilly and we are all hoping for good weather tomorrow to complete the walk to Keswick. The campsite is at Castlerigg, looking down over the town and Derwent Water - great views.

From Bernie:
Today's walk  7.5 miles     :     Cumulative  720.7 miles

A shorter day, as have been all our days with visitors - it's all the socialising, eating & drinking that come with them!

Couldn't believe the number of walkers preparing to leave Dungeon Ghyll at the same time as us, probably as many as I've seen in total over the last fortnight! Maybe nobody works on Fridays anymore! In almost equal numbers they headed down Langdale for Elterwater or strode off in the direction of Scafell. Just 2 couples chose the same route as us & we soon left them behind - I was grateful for that! I think this walk is making me enjoy solitude even more, a feeling emphasised by the bustle of Keswick at the end of the day.

A last, fond look down Langdale!

A lot of work has been done on the path out of Langdale for Stakes Pass since I last walked it (even has a signpost now!) & it makes the climb much easier. The National Trust are currently working on the descent to Langstrathdale under the delightful slogan, 'Fixing the Fells'!

Langstrathdale from the head of Stakes Pass

So, yesterday it was Ian's & my Dad's favourite bit of Lakeland; today it was mine! The sudden view down Langstrathdale from the northern end of Stakes Pass is majestic & the climb down beside waterfalls & water-slides quite unrivalled.... but then there's the walk above Wastwater, or the view across Derwentwater towards Blencathra from Cat Bells.....!

Stake Beck tumbling down to the Langstrath

Highlight of the Day: walking with Lee & Marion - great to see you both! When we started LeJog I wasn't really sure that we'd have any visitors, now we've had 4 lots & those who have walked have seen some of the best bits of the whole trek... as well as enjoying some of the best eating & drinking!

Beer of the Day: unless you head for the Lakes in the next day or so there's not much chance of you tasting this & that's a pity. 'Doris' 90th Birthday' - a never to be repeated special from the tiny Hesket Newmarket brewery near Caldbeck. Dark amber, smooth & another ale to lure me to 2 lunchtime pints!

'The Riverside Bar' at 'The Scafell Hotel' was also the 100th different pub I've visited on this expedition. The first time we were here was on the Coast-to-Coast in 2003 on the day of the annual Borrowdale Fell Run, won by Simon Booth; we saw from the plaque in the bar that he won it again last year.... & has done so on all but one of the intervening years!

Looking back up Langstrathdale

Song of the Day (an occasional series!): 'Lost in the Supermarket' - The Clash! After a wondrous day on the Fells I'm not sure how I coped with barbecue-shopping at Booth's supermarket.... it's the people, you know!

The manager knows how to pick them! View from tonight's camp-site at Castlerigg


  1. Think I lost the last post so will try again.

    Tour manager has indeed done well, view was hand picked, well done Les. You know what they say 'behind every good man there is a good woman' Don't you agree Bernie?

  2. Hi
    Thought you might like to know, as you mentioned her the other day, that Judy Collins was on 'Breakfast' this morning. Still in great voice, too. Also heard her version of 'Wind beneath my wings' on the radio yesterday.
    Looks as if the weather is really going to heat up for a couple of days, so Bernie may have to cut down on the beer and up the water intake!!
    Love to both, Julia

  3. I agree with Julia - I saw Judy Collins too and she is just as good as ever. Also agree with Pam - I didn't realise that the Manager is in charge of posting the photos - they are pretty stunning. Just been watching Gaslight Anthem on Glastonbury - great band!
