Sunday 19 June 2011

Day 52 – Horton-in-Ribblesdale to Cowgill

After a very wet night the rain continued until just before midday. This didn’t really bother us as we still had to complete yesterday’s blog – we had bought wi-fi connection at the site but it wouldn’t work last night, so we couldn’t blog. This morning it was superb; it even allowed us to upload photos on the site instead of having to email. However, we are back to no connection tonight!

I declined the offer of a soaking and instead I enjoyed a leisurely drive along Ribblesdale and Dentdale, explored the quaint village of Dent and booked a couple of campsites.

Stunning views from Dent campsite on Monday morning
From Bernie:
Today’s walk  12.3 miles     :     Cumulative  663.1 miles

Another landmark! After a week & just under 100 miles on ‘The Pennine Way’ we parted company; the Trail wending its way northwards towards Hawes while I headed across the moors to Ribblehead to join ‘The Dales Way’ & my next perverse change of direction. For the next 3 days I’ll be walking due west to reach the Lake District.
That’s not the end of our flirtation with ‘The Pennine Way’; another 10 days & we’ll be back together on Hadrian’s Wall!
Pen-y-Ghent in the distance – this is the soggy moorland I crossed today

‘Heading across the moors’ sounds easy, particularly as I was supposed to be following ‘The Ribble Way’ but after 2 nights of persistent heavy rain much of the higher moorland is splashy at best, muddy & boggy at worst; way-marking is erratic or non-existent & it’s often difficult to see if anyone has walked there before. Actually, it was great fun!

Clearest sign I found for ‘The Ribble Way’ – brilliant, once I’d worked out what the symbol represented!
Passed quite close to the great Ribblehead Viaduct on the Settle-Carlisle railway line – should have been able to get better photos but it was difficult in the gloom & tricky to hold the camera steady!  At least it was a useful navigational point of reference! Dent Head viaduct isn’t as big but is still impressive.

Ribblehead Viaduct
Dent Head Viaduct

Highlight of the Day: rescued a lamb on the moor at Birkwith; quite a large lamb & it had horns! It had stuck its head through one of the holes in a square-mesh wire fence; the hole was barely bigger than its head & its horns were stopping it from getting out. I could see it thrashing about from a distance & when I approached it tried going forwards to get its whole body through the hole!

We wrestled for a while but I eventually bent the wire & its head enough to free it. It would be nice to think it had learnt a lesson but I suspect that, by tomorrow, it will have forgotten it has horns!

 Ribblehead – beautiful spot, even in the rain!

Beer of the Day: ‘Summer Lightning’ from, I think, the Hoptrack Brewery – I need to research this! Looks like a cross between Boddington’s & a cheap lager, & is even served chilled – a more unlikely-looking ale it would be difficult to imagine! Light, pale & wonderfully thirst-quenching – surprisingly good!

Song of the Day (an occasional series!): ‘Part Company’ – The Go-Betweens


  1. Oh dear, Dad......West is the wrong way. Maybe you need some Haycorns to help you!

  2. Hello to you both,
    Janice here, I work with Jamie (we met at THE wedding).
    I have tried unsuccessfully to leave comments on your blog so I am giving this way a try.
    I am loving the blog, its a brilliant read.
    Keeping up with your exploits up and across the country is a wonderful escape read and the photographs are brilliant too.
    I first tried to contact when you were passing through my home county of Derbyshire.
    I am glad the weather was kind to you, such a shame it's taken a turn for the worse at the mo but your writings and photos are still very upbeat.
    I love the daily pub visits and the beer reviews, but how dare some of the pubs not be open!
    Bernie, I think you and my husband would be very good walking "partners", he likes to walk alone with only alcohol for sustenance. Glad those knees are holding.
    Les, you are doing a sterling job as the manager/driver/nurse/shopper/etc. I would love to be able to do the same one day..........roll on retirement, but don't tell Jamie.
    The donation will make it's way eventually when my "plastic" funds decide to work. (Max on account of Berlin holiday )!!
    Keep up the great work, and hopefully I will be able to contact you again soon.
    Best wishes for a safe onward journey,:-)
    Janice x
