Tuesday 30 August 2011

Stanage Edge - Peak District

Really thought I should get the Blog up & running again, particularly as it's nearly time for that 'holiday' I kept promising Les during the latter stages of LeJog! So, here are a few days walking I've managed to sneak in over the last few weeks just to ease me back into a more normal lifestyle!

Headed for the hills with Jamie & Kirstie.... last 'outing' for them before returning to work & the first September since 1972 that I haven't been busy drawing up class-lists, arranging seating-plans & preparing lessons! Totally unplugged now!

Jamie & Kirstie at south-eastern end of Stanage Edge

Plan had been to park at Grindleford Station, catch a train to Bamford & return along the moorland 'edges' via the conveniently-situated 'Fox House Inn' but it turned out to be a bit of an inauspicious start as I'd taken the wrong map, Jamie couldn't find hers, we just missed the train & there wasn't another for 2 hours! Never had these problems on LeJog!

Win Hill & the northern end of the Derwent Valley

Didn't matter too much as I've walked here several times before & we weren't really likely to miss the edges in such good visibility.... it did, however, make for an interesting trek across Bamford Moor: the tussocky grass became ever deeper; the thistles, ferns & gorse ever higher as we approached the narrow stream I knew runs around here somewhere......

One of the sculptures on the Bamford Touchstones Trail
High above the village, this sculpture represents 'Air'
All 3 of us have previously passed other sculptures in this millennium project when walking the Derwent Valley Heritage Trail

Small abandoned quarry on the edge of Bamford Moor - heather was incredible!

Mapless, we finally resorted to the obvious track & gave High Neb a miss.... always another day!

Song of the Day (an occasional series!): 'Purple Heather' by Van Morrison, from his 'Hard Nose the Highway' album

Bamford Moor from Stanage Edge

Highlight of the Day: as planned, from the end of Stanage Edge we followed the high-level route over Burbage Rocks before descending to the 'Fox House Inn' & a slightly-late lunch. Between trains again so we dispatched Jamie, by bus, to go & fetch the car! With almost military precision she returned just as our excellent fish pies were being served.... couldn't have planned it better!

Beer of the Day: 'Lakeland Stunner' - a light, golden, slightly lemony ale from Jennings Brewery; good & very refreshing after a walk though it did come up a little cloudy. Went well with the fish pie!

Memorial set into the track on the climb to Stanage Edge

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