Thursday 17 September 2020

'Ip 'Ip LeJog : Day 2 - Waterhouses to Hulme End

Haven't really been idling in the ten days since we started this adventure! Visited Lee in Lancaster & spent six days wandering  around the Trough of Bowland - mostly fine weather & some excellent walks!

Decided that using distances by road is, probably, not the best way of measuring progress so have decided to use a straight line distance to both John o' Groats & Land's End at the end of each walk. 

With the help of Ordnance Survey & my GPS I reckon it's 389.55 miles to John o' Groats from our home & 261.69 miles to Land's End! At the end of our first walk we were further away from both... so there's progress!!

The Manifold Light Railway was a narrow-gauge line opened in 1904 partly to transport minerals from the lead & copper mines around Ecton but, more importantly, to carry milk from the farms up the Manifold Valley to the standard-gauge branchline at Waterhouses which then opened up a direct route to London!

The tiny railway also provided a passenger service for the villages along the valley.

"Two little steam locomotives built to an Indian design and fitted with large headlamps pulled a series of narrow primrose-painted carriages with tiny verandas. What a curious sight this must have been if seen from the surrounding hilltops."

A slump in mineral prices & a switch to road transport led to the line's closure in 1934 - it was reopened as a footpath & cycle-track in 1937, pre-dating Sustrans by exactly 40 years!

Setting off from the former Waterhouses station, in front of the Silver Jubilee cairn & seat. Quite breezy here... but we were soon down to shirtsleeves!

Beeston Tor & the site of one of the line's stations. The wooden building is the original refreshment room, now nestled at the edge of a camp-site!
Took a slight uphill detour here to pick up 'Weags Barn' geocache!

There have been a lot of people complaining that we've had a wet Summer... so where's the River Manifold gone?!
Just one of those peculiarities of Limestone country... it keeps diving down holes but it'll be back!

Trying to get a decent view of Thor's Cave through the trees & without the sun intervening!
Just above is the village of Wetton, famous for its annual toe-wrestling competition... in non-Covid times!

A reasonably straightforward walk up to the cave but we've done it before (from the top & the bottom), it had become very warm & we were ready for refreshment!

Thor's Cave in the sunshine!

Wetton Mill
There was once a station here & a waiting-room!
Look! The river has returned! It disappears just south of this point!

Here was my longed-for refreshment but it wasn't easy keeping it from the ducks!
Les had hoped for an ice-cream but, with only 2 customers allowed in the shop, there was quite a sizeable socially-distanced queue outside... which hadn't totally disappeared by the time we moved on.

The mill buildings are just to the right of this photo & are now used as a holiday-cottage.
Wetton Mill was a watermill for grinding corn : it closed in 1857, long before the railway arrived!

Entrance to the Swainsley Copper Mine, now behind a locked gate & partially blocked by a landslip/mudslide.
I'd been tempted to venture inside on my first visit here in 2013!

Swainsley Tunnel
Built by Sir Thomas Wardle who, though a shareholder in the railway, didn't want to see it cross his land!
During World War II, after the line's closure, the tunnel was used by the RAF for munitions storage &, in more recent lockdown-days, it's been used as a meeting-place for boy-racers! Signs warn against that now!!

And so, finally, to 'The Manifold Inn', more refreshment & the end of our walk!
Built as a coaching inn, this was originally 'The Waggon & Horses' & the old stables & outhouses are now used as hotel accommodation.
It became 'The Old Light Railway Hotel' before changing name again & now even the old Thor's Cave sign has been removed!

Today's distance : 9.81 miles            15.79 kilometres

Cumulative : 17.15 miles            27.6 kilometres

Direction of Travel : North

Progress : We are now 384.45 miles from John o' Groats (-5.49 miles)!
& 269.36 miles from Land's End (+5.01 miles)!

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