Thursday 15 September 2011

Alstonefield (1) - Peak District

Back in Derby for a few days on account of the forthcoming weekend's brewing adventure (details & pictures to follow!) - spent last night tasting beer & concocting a recipe. With both Jamie & Andy at work today what else was there for us to do but head for the hills?!

Mid-week, middle of September seemed like a good time to return to the often ridiculously-busy Dovedale area, though in deference to my battle-scarred knees we decided to split the walk into a couple of easier 'circulars' centred on the attractive village of Alstonefield - a cluster of plaques on the Village Hall recording numerous Best Kept Village awards!

Green Well, Alstonefield - source of domestic water until the Mains supply arrived in 1957

Plan (& we stuck to it!) was to conquer the hills to the north of the village & so we set off in gloriously warm weather for nearby Wetton
So many inter-linking paths here that we kept bumping into walkers we'd seen at the start but who had headed off in different directions!

     Gateham Hill - this was to be summit No.2!

Ye Olde Royal Oak, Wetton

Beer of the Day: a pint of 'Sir Philip' from the Wincle Brewery (Cheshire) - a sharp, amber bitter if, again, a bit cloudy! Good - worth trying; quite satisfying in the warmth!

Climbed Wetton Hill (left), then Gateham Hill (the highest), Narrowdale Hill & Gratton Hill in quick succession
No footpaths, though, just Open Access Ground so it was a bit steep & rough in places... you just have to choose the best line!

No real choice on Narrowdale Hill; a herd of cows, some with very tiny calves, blocked my intended route & they weren't very happy even though we didn't encroach within 20 yards or so!
Left us with no alternative but to tackle the steepest ascent which led straight to a high stone-walled enclosure & a detour back downhill before we could approach the summit!
Didn't seem fair really!

View from Gratton Hill into the head of Dovedale, beginning of tomorrow's walk
My knees are already trembling in anticipation! Aaargh!

                                   Impeccable timing saw us get back to 'The George' in Alstonefield at 2.59, 1 minute before closing time!
For that I was grateful but why on earth is a pub closing when it has a garden full of customers?
I can only imagine that they must be making lots of money without needing to make lots of effort.....

Highlight of the Day: finished early enough to visit the famous Cheese Shop in Hartington - no factory here now but still purveyors of excellent wares!

Came away with chilli & lime, garlic & mushroom, blue cheese with black pepper & a curious pineapple creation. Those lost LeJog pounds will be back soon!

Above Left: well-dressing season in Hartington
Above Right: fewer customers at the 'Charles Cotton Hotel' but still serving! Cotton was a close friend of Izaak Walton, famous author of 'The Compleat Angler' - his fishing lodge still stands on the Dove, not far from the village

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