Sunday 25 September 2011

Alfriston (2) - Sussex

Another lazy day.... in fact, probably even lazier than yesterday! A bit of early morning shopping at Asda, or at least as early as is possible on a Sunday, & then we headed back to the Cuckmere Valley with the only definite aim being to visit the 2nd of Alfriston's 3 pubs

Decided to park at Arlington Reservoir, climb Bostal Hill to the South Downs Way & then, after what looked like being a good ridge walk & a couple of pints, we'd have a nice, gentle, flat return to the van

Thwarted by a height-restriction barrier at the reservoir we ended up at the popular Bo-Peep car-park (named after the nearby farm) on top of Bostal Hill. Poor planning! It meant we'd have to walk all the way back up here at the end of the afternoon.... & after lunch!

Bostal Hill's 'Bo-Peep' car park &, if you look carefully you'll see the van, full of energy after his day off!

Exciting drive up through the steep & narrow S-bends - the hill is used by skate-boarders who hurtled merrily around potholes, waving as they passed! These, though, were mostly not young kids & I suspect many of the cars pulled on to the verges & packed into the corners belonged to them. Happy & friendly, I guess the cars, vans & farm traffic just add to their fun!

Walkers, runners, joggers, cyclists, horse-riders &...... sheep!
Incredibly busy up here but wonderful views
Conversation turned, again, to whether we should plan to walk the whole of the South Downs Way - if I check up on recently past notes & photos I think I'll find we've already covered most of it!

Alfriston in the valley with Windover Hill rising behind
Could have set off earlier, ignored Asda & included this in the walk!
Not today, but I think we'll squeeze it in before we head for home - there's a rather special chalk hill-carving just around the corner!

'The George' - oldest of Alfriston's 3 pubs, it was first licensed in 1397!
Another smugglers' haunt & originally the 'George & Dragon', it was rebuilt after a fire in 1943
Lovely building, attractive walled-garden, welcoming staff & very good beer
Impressive week for pubs & beer.... so far!

Alfriston's Market Cross with Thursday's Cream Tea pub, weather-boarded to its left - its old 'Market Cross Inn' sign still hangs outside, along with the 'Smugglers' name!

Highlight of the Day: but only after a little research! Intrigued by this wayside crucifix above Alfriston which bears the inscription 'God so Loved the World', erected by Alice S. Gregory, 28th April 1919; I discovered that she was awarded the CBE in 1929 for founding a maternity hospital & for her work in the training of midwives
Builders clearing the land for her new home unearthed a Saxon burial ground & 120 graves on the site & this memorial has stood here ever since
Fine lady!

Beautifully rolling farmland between Alfriston & Berwick village

Another superb village pub in Berwick & I couldn't resist when I saw the 'Harveys of Lewes' sign.... a brewery to reckon with! Attractive sunny gardens at both front & back, friendly & smiling bar staff, open & serving food all day,

Beer of the Day: 'Southdown Harvest Ale'- a seasonal special from Harveys: 5%, golden, hoppy & sharp.... very good!

Almost ready for the steep, grassy zig-zags up the side of Bostal Hill but our homeward route took us through the tiny village of Alciston, past the impressive 14th century dovecote from the monastery which once stood here & close to the well-publicised 'Rose Cottage Inn'. Couldn't resist a quick visit before our climb.... but what a difference!

Entered their shadowy paved courtyard at approximately 3.25 to be met by a barman coming out; he held up his hand & declared, "We're closed!"
I turned to Les & told her, "They're just closing" - not that we were really too bothered
He replied, "No! We closed half an hour ago & I'm just waiting for everybody to go home!"
Abrupt & rude, he was also turning away 2 young couples who were looking for somewhere to eat. I directed them to the 'Cricketers' & pondered the £80-£100 business he had just turned away. Their website boasts that this 'traditional... celebrated. .... Country pub has been in the same family for over 40 years' - perhaps it's time for a change!

DVD Update: managed to watch the end of 'Family Plot' & the whole of  'Frenzy'!

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