Friday 4 July 2014

Postscripts from The Peak District (39) - Cheddleton

Thursday 20th February 2014

A lunchtime geocaching meander around the grounds of the old St.Edward's Psychiatric Hospital... now a new housing development incorporating some of the old hospital buildings (see, also, Postscripts 5 & 20)

Also known as the Cheddleton County Mental Asylum, the hospital opened in 1899 & was finally closed to patients in 2002

The Asylum Chapel, a listed building but looking rather run-down & neglected
Home, however, to an intriguing geocache!

... and this is it!
A hidden camera masquerading as a letterbox had my picture published on the internet even before I got home!

1 comment:

  1. I remember you talking about this one earlier in the year. I am fascinated by the renovations of former asylums etc into residential buildings - it can lead to some really striking architecture being preserved, but also a slightly odd sense of the history you are living in. In Lancaster, for example, there is a new development which covers the old asylum's burial ground.
