Friday 4 July 2014

Postscripts from The Peak District (38) - Rolleston-on-Dove

Wednesday 19th February 2014

I've finally accepted that there's no way I'm going to keep up-to-date wih this blog while I have walking, geocaching & visiting pubs to do (not necessarily in that order!) &, by the time I retire from all of that, I probably won't be doing anything worth writing about!

So, photos & brief captions.... for the time being!

A morning's geocaching in Rolleston before the rest of the crew took themselves off for 'afternoon tea' at some posh place just outside the village!

Though they weren't too posh to drop in to 'The Jinnie Inn' with me!
Named after the railway that ran through the village until 1968, it was on the old Tutbury to Burton-on-Trent line
We'd geocached on 'The Jinnie Trail', a nature-walk along the old track-bed

My 9th new pub of 2014!

Rolleston was once best known as the home of Oswald Moseley but his Rolleston Hall burned down many years ago

Lee finds a tractor to play on in a rather muddy picnic area!

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