Monday 17 February 2014

Postscripts from The Peak District (34) - Tissington Trail : Alsop-en-le-Dale

Friday 7th February 2014

Good weather forecast & Jamie was keen to get out walking with Abner.... so it was back to the push-chair friendly firmness of the Tissington Trail, a little to the south of last week's snowy outing! (Postscript 31)

Had been geocaching our way northwards from Ashbourne, collecting 'The Tissington Tales' series of caches with Jamie & Abner, since before Christmas but some of those outings are still waiting to be featured in 'Catch-Up' blogs!

'The Tissington Tales' tell of Tissy, a mouse, making her way along the trail to meet her friend, Parsley! Have a feeling I'll have to do this again with Abner when he's old enough to understand the story!

I'd had to pop into Cheadle first so drove out to Alsop in the van while Les went in the car to pick up Jamie & Abner
Aiming to meet in the Tissington Trail car-park but I was a bit early so nipped down to the village for a nearby cache!

Ridiculously muddy & slippery on the way down so I retuned up the lane & walked back along the railway to meet them!
Cracking views today This is looking west towards Narrowdale & Wetton Hills

Alsop Moor Brick & Lime Works Quarry which closed shortly after World War II & is now home to a Camping & Caravanning Site!
Those dark clouds brought a brief & totally unnecessary hail shower!

..... though still lovely to the West!

There's a quick route down to Dovedale below those trees but I imagine it might be a bit too quick in these wet conditions!
Surprised to discover I don't already have a photo of this stashed away somewhere!
Recycled from old railway bits - even the low wall was part of an old track-side building!

Successfully geocached along to the edge of Biggin Moor, though one of the earliest had disappeared in an apparent cull of over-hanging trees, before deciding it was close enough to Abner's lunchtime to warrant a turnaround!
Above photo taken looking west from near Coldeaton

Almost back to the start & this is the bank that I'd slithered down to reach the tiny Alsop-en-le-Dale.... not sure I'd do it again!

Lovely, sunny end to the day at the 'Coach & Horses', Fenny Bentley
New Pub No.7!

Built in the 16th century as a box-framed half-timbered house, it became an inn about 1760

Enjoyed a good pint of Abbeydale's 'Moonshine' - apparently the brewery's best-selling beer though I hadn't come across it before!

4.3%, a pale bitter, it was Yorkshire's Champion Beer in 2012!

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