Tuesday 4 February 2014

On Tour! - North Yorkshire (6) : Terrington/Ravenscar

Tuesday 14th & Wednesday 15th January 2014

Could have left Tuesday out 'cos the weather was a bit dull & there were so few photos
However, you'd have been left, on the basis of the week's earlier evidence, thinking that we're totally useless geocachers!

Popped down to Terrington & walked the hills around Castle Howard.... collecting 45 caches! Our best ever day!

This was the Northern Loop of the York Mini-Series II - we covered about 10 miles
Dull but not unpleasant.... just wasn't a day for views!
At one point we bumped into the Fryton Millennium Heritage Trail & spotted the above plaque which describes evidence of human activity in this area 12,000 years ago & records a 4,000 year old burial henge uncovered in nearby Wath Quarry 

Forecast not brilliant for our last day but, actually, it turned out to be quite fine!

Drove out to Ravenscar, just south of Robin Hood's Bay, to link up with Monday's walk.... & to see if we could try out some more 'alternative' co-ordinates in that blessed Smugglers' Puzzle! 

Started off by exploring the northern end of Ravenscar Tunnel on the old Scarborough-Whitby railway line

The route is well-used by walkers & cyclists but, generally, they don't bother with this dead-end! A steep gradient leads up to the tunnel & there's a sharp bend in the middle.... defeated a lot of trains!

.... & I could see this 'ford' defeating a lot of motorists!
No, you don't have to squeeze your car past Les on the bridge, you have to drive up the river for 50 yards or so & then up a bank similar to this one!

Ravenscar with Raven's Hall perched proudly at the summit
This was to be the centre-piece of the North Yorkshire holiday resort which would challenge Scarborough.... well, they installed a cliff-lift & it's still working!

Kerbs & drains were laid, building-plots sold & you can still see these traced out on the cliff-top

For some reason none of this captured the Victorian imagination! I suspect the fact that it's generally a couple of degrees cooler than at sea-level, is often shrouded in mist & is frequently blasted by freezing gales might have contributed!
I love Ravenscar!

Look! It even has its own 9-hole golf course!
Little boys playing beneath the cliffs must make a fortune!

W.H.Hammond, who owned Raven's Hall, insisted that the railway tunnel be built so his views weren't spoiled - he might have had a point!

This is a geocaching Travel Bug called 'Shoe Fish' who wanted to be left in sight of water - I obliged before returning to the Staffordshire Moorlands, finding a cosy little cliff-top cache for him just a couple of hundred yards from here!

Last stop was Ravenscar 'station', its tea-room & Information Point abandoned for the winter & these lonely characters the only visitors to the old Peak Railway!

Guess it's time to go home!

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